
Wednesday 29 August 2018

Hazel's 1 month update || Baby diaries

One week old
Our baby girl has grown and developed so much in just one month it's crazy. We have noticed changes in her size, demands and personality every week.

When she was born, she had a low birth weight and so our main goal in the first few weeks has been to fatten her up as much as we can, which she has done really well at. Putting on weight every week since birth (most newborns lose weight in their first week) Her cheeks have started to fill out and so has the rest of her. At one month old she weighs 3.8kg which is almost a whole kilo more than her birth weight. Although she is still only tracking along the 25th percentile for weight. She is getting exclusively fed breast milk, either straight from the source or expressed and fed by bottle.

Hazel was born measuring a petite 47cm long, but she has been growing like a champ and is now 52cm (50th percentile)

Her eyes were dark and steel blue-grey when she was born but they are now lightening to light blue near the pupil and dark blue at the edges of her iris.

One week old
10 days old
10 days old
Three weeks old
Three weeks old

She started smiling at four weeks old which always makes my heart flutter and brings a huge smile to my own face. She likes to coo and gurgle after a feed and especially while getting her nappy changed. Hazel now studies our faces while we hold her and moves her head to follow us if one of us walks past. She has very expressive eyebrows and often has us laughing at her funny expressions.

Just as her skin was getting over being so dry and flakey she started to get "baby acne" or hormone spots at three weeks, becoming worse over the next week or so. This was caused by residual hormones from birth and my breast milk but they didn't seem to worry her. At one month old thankfully they are starting to clear up.

Four weeks old

We have been giving her lots more "tummy time" while she has been awake after feeding and she really likes it. I get lots of smiles and coo's while she bobs her head up and down. Which is no easy feat considering her head is measuring in the 98th percentile, that's a lot of weight to hold up.
5 weeks old
She has slept like a champ from the get-go, getting 3-5hours sleep at a time. This is wonderful at night time as we only need to wake once or twice during the middle of the night to feed her most time. I normally feed her at approximately 10pm before we go to bed, 2-3am for her middle of the night feed and then again at 6-7am before Chris goes to work. We have not put her on a sleep or feeding schedule, this is just how it normally works out and is purely determined by her.

So far she has been a lovely and easy baby, which is fortunate considering neither Chris or I had any experience with newborns prior. Once her Dad and I started to figure out her needs and signals we have all been doing really well and can't wait to watch her grow and develop.


One month stats:

Height: 52cm

Weight: 3.8kg

Sleeping: 4-5 hours (Day and Night)

Eating/Feeding: 120ml or more

Sizes: Newborn 0000

Milestones: Focusing on faces, getting better at latching, first smiles and gurgles

Nicknames: Darling, Honey Bee, Sweet Pea, Bobble head, Poppet.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on Hazel! She's so beautiful and the love the photos. Wish you all the best Erin


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