Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 27 - Glucose test

Week 27

I spent most of this week sick with a cold that has been going around our office and finally got to me. It wasn't so bad considering I only needed two days off work, while other staff have been off all week, but it does make this week rather uneventful.

I had my Glucose challenge test when I was feeling well again. This was to test if I had gestational diabetes. The drink they gave me tasted like flat, syrupy lemonade. Not terrible but not particularly nice either, especially when you need to drink it within 5 minutes. Skull! Skull! Skull! I will be getting the results next week, and after my recent weight gain I'm a bit nervous to be honest. (edit: I don't have diabetes but my levels are on the higher side of normal, so midwife said to keep an eye on my diet)

My belly is hard and bulging. I am feeling the baby move all the time, especially when I am sitting down. I do wonder sometimes when she gets a chance to sleep with all that movement going on. I can see her move my belly quite dramatically when she kicks strongly, bulging in one direction or another. Most often near my right rib-cage.

Random people that come into work and attendants in shops are now confidentially asking when I am due. So I think it's pretty obvious that I am pregnant at this point, but they have more guts than me. I wouldn't ask unless the lady was practically in labour.

How far along?: 27 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes and it's practically all I can wear these days
Stretch marks?: No
Belly button in or out?: Looking like "a pair of puckered lips" rather than an innie like it used to be.
Sleep?: Some nights are good, others not so much. In general I am more tired though.
Best Moment of the week?: This week was kind of average, so it would be the nice conversations my bump starts up with friendly strangers.
Worst Moment of the week?: Being sick with a cold
Miss anything?:Fitting into my old clothes, I am rather limited in what I wear these days
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings or aversions?: Tacos! and lemon water
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Getting my glucose test results, fingers crossed I don't have anything to worry about.
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 26 - It's Facebook official

Week 26

We had our midwife appointment this week. I am by far the heaviest I have EVER been and now the same weight as Chris. Gulp. She measured my fundal height; the length from the top of my uterus to my pelvic bone, and I am measuring at 32 weeks! No wonder so many people have been saying I am getting big. Although she said that this may be because I have a long torso and we will see how it changes over the coming weeks.

Baby is doing well and measuring just a tiny bit bigger than average. I am also feeling pretty good this week, with not too many aches and pains. Although every morning I wake up with milk stains on my PJ's and I can't seem to sleep-in any more. 5:30am - 6:30am seems to be my new wake-up time, even on weekends which is very unusual for me. Lots of movement as always.

We signed up with a new family doctors not far from our house and Chris got the DPT vaccine to help protect baby from whooping cough when she arrives. I will get mine in the next few weeks hopefully.

We have finally announced the pregnancy on Facebook this week, so all of our extended family and friends now know our news.

How far along?: 26 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes and I love them.
Stretch marks?: No
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" rather than an innie like it used to be
Sleep?: Some nights are good, others not so much. In general I am more tired though.
Best Moment of the week?: Announcing our news of Facebook and seeing everyone's reactions to our photos.
Worst Moment of the week?: Feeling self-conscious about my weight gain and getting told how "big" I am by everyone
Miss anything?: Being as active as I used to be
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings?: Hot Cross Buns and chocolate (a hang over from Easter?)
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Feeling my baby get stronger.
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 25 - Easter weekend and anniversary photo

Week 25

So my uterus is the size of a soccer ball, and it shows! My belly button mole is officially on the outside of my belly button (it used to be deep inside) and my stomach is starting to feel rather tight and stretched. My boobs are leaking more frequently but only a little at a time. My brother (Lee) and his girlfriend (Holly) came to visit this Easter weekend. They took our anniversary photo (even though it's well past our anniversary date) as a tripod and timer just wasn't going to cut it this time. And they both felt the baby move. We went swimming at Bethels beach in my new bikini and I felt quite confident rocking the baby bump.

I have been starting to get occasional sciatica after sitting, lying down or overdoing it for too long. It seems to go away with movement though which is a relief. I hope it doesn't get worse because it means I can't walk or stand up properly, and leaves me hunched over like an old lady. We measured my bump size while my brother was here at his request and it is 105cm round at the belly button.

How far along?: 25 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes and I love them.
Stretch marks?: No
Belly button in or out?: Starting to look like "lips" rather than a cavern.
Sleep?: Some nights are good, others not so much. In general I am more tired though.
Best Moment of the week?: Hanging out with family.
Worst Moment of the week?: Getting sciatica after sitting for too long
Miss anything?: Being as active as I used to be
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings?: Hot Cross Buns and chocolate (it is Easter after all)
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Feeling my baby get stronger.
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy