Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 32 & 33 - Baby Hiccups & Checking out the Birth Centre

Week 32

Our baby has the hiccups! It took me a minute to figure out what this rhythmic popping was, but after looking it up online I'm pretty sure it is hiccups. Right on track according to our midwife too, as baby practices for breathing on the outside. They are cute but get a little repetitive and distracting after the first 30 mins of pop, pop, pop, pop etc.
We had our second antenatal class this week, which was equally as insightful as the first. This one focused more on breastfeeding and taking care of baby when they get here.
We even bumped into some of the other couples outside of the classes later in the week, which was fun to catch-up.

We did a major baby shop at the Baby Factory, so I feel like we are getting more organised which helped put my mind to rest knowing that we have mostly everything we need, at least when she first gets here.

I'm back to a relatively normal appetite, no bad symptoms to complain about. Still getting up 2-4 times each night to go to the bathroom but at least that means that I'm hydrated, right?

We met our backup midwife at our appointment this week, as our LMC was in Rarotonga getting married. She seems very nice and knowledgeable and I would be perfectly comfortable with her being at my birth.

How far along?: 32 weeks!
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes, dresses are my saviour! Not having a waist band cutting into your bump is the best.
Stretch marks?: Yes, they are gradually spreading further and but seem to be fading a bit
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" but hasn't popped yet
Sleep?: Mostly pretty good, but I do get more tired throughout the day than I used to.
Best Moment of the week?:Getting ready for baby to arrive
Worst Moment of the week?:Being tired at work, as I'm still there full time. I might look at cutting back my hours soon.
Miss anything?: Not really, pretty content this week.
Movement?: YES! Movement all day, where my belly visibly undulates when she pushes against it and of course her cute little hiccup sessions too.
Cravings?:Not really
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?:Taking a tour of our birthing centre
Mood/emotional state?: For the most part I'm very happy and positive

Week 33

On Saturday morning we took a tour of "Birthcare" where I will hopefully be birthing if all goes to plan. It was comforting to ask them questions and visualise the birthing experience. The temperature has plummeted this week, winter hit with full force, well at least by Auckland standards. It feels like 2 degrees most morningw so I am trying to rug-up, even though I can't actually do-up any of my winter coats over my big belly. And no wonder, my bump is now measuring 106cm around my belly button, so that's a big ask for an old winter coat to get around. Baby girl is moving ALL THE TIME which is great but sometimes makes it hard to get to sleep with a tornado in your tummy. We can now feel babies body parts through my belly. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between her head and bum (large bulge) or whether it is one of her arms or legs, but you can definitely use your imagination and figure it out.

How far along?: 33 weeks!
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes, dresses and maternity leggings are my saviour!
Stretch marks?: Yes, but they seem to be fading a little bit
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" but hasn't popped yet
Sleep?: Mostly pretty good, but I do get more tired throughout the day than I used to.
Best Moment of the week?:Seeing the birthing centre and feeling more prepared
Worst Moment of the week?:Being exhausted at the end of my work day.
Miss anything?: Fitting into my old winter clothes
Movement?: YES! Movement all day, where my belly visibly undulates when she pushes against it
Cravings?:Not really
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: My baby shower next week!!!
Mood/emotional state?: For the most part I'm very happy and positive

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 31 - Starting antenatal classes

Week 31

Early in the week I was feeling sharp "zinging" electric pain from mid bump to cervix. Are these Braxton hicks contractions or round ligament pain? Because they hurt and I don't think BH are meant to hurt. Baby is busy bopping around, moving and grooving so I can assume she is doing just fine, it's just my body that is having the hard time.

We started our first free DHB antenatal class this week, which goes for 3 hours after work (6-9pm), which is a really long time for a preggo to sit and retain information after a long work day. It was a really good experience with lots of useful information and laughter. We learnt about the labour and birth process as well as the safest way for baby to sleep and travel etc so I would highly recommend doing it. We have the second session next week.

No other symptoms this week, but my belly is growing and so are the stretch marks. At this point I am putting cocoa butter on every morning and night but I doubt that it's making any difference. *sigh*

How far along?: 31 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes, dresses are my saviour! Not having a waist band cutting into your bump is the best.
Stretch marks?: Yes, all over the sides of my bump
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" but hasn't popped yet
Sleep?: Mostly pretty good, but I do get more tired throughout the day than I used to.
Best Moment of the week?: Meeting all of the other expectant parents at the antenatal class
Worst Moment of the week?:Those weird zapping pains I was feeling early in the week, still don't know what it was.
Miss anything?:Summer, it's getting cold here
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement and strong kicks
Cravings?:Not really, just normal stuff
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Starting to buy more baby stuff
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 30 - Getting vaccinated

Week 30

The big three oh, means that I am 3/4 of the way there, hopefully! Unless I go past my due date.

Lee and Holly visited again this weekend. Initially I had a pretty good week again with no new symptoms and very little to complain about except for being a bit tired. If you feel like I am sugar coating pregnancy due to my lack of symptoms, I'm trying to be as honest as possible I swear. It just hasn't been a bad experience for me so far. My Mum loved being pregnant, in fact straight after she birthed my brother she joked that she could be a surrogate. A comment that her doctor didn't see the humour in. So apart from me getting morning sickness during the first trimester and already being the size she was when she was full term (me and my brother were little babies). It sounds like I am following in her foot steps.

On Tuesday I got my Flu vaccination which is strongly recommended for pregnant women to get, as it helps to protect the baby when she is suddenly exposed to all of these new germs and viruses, as she already has built up some immunity. A few hours after the jab I was feeling very tired and went home from work early, heading straight to bed when I walked in the door. I woke up the next morning and almost didn't go into work due to a pounding headache, back ache and nausea. I pushed on through and made it through the work day, just. My body has never responded that way to a flu vaccine before so I guess it's either pregnancy related or that this years strains are stronger than normal. Although a few of my work colleagues (who aren't pregnant) had similar symptoms, so I guess it's just this years dose.  Still no regrets in getting it, as I would prefer my mild symptoms over my baby getting a full blown flu when she arrives in the middle of winter. I'm tough, I can hack it.

How far along?: 30 weeks!
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes, dresses are my saviour! Not having a waist band cutting into your bump is the best.
Stretch marks?: Yes, they are gradually spreading further and getting darker
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" but hasn't popped yet
Sleep?: Mostly pretty good, but I do get more tired throughout the day than I used to.
Best Moment of the week?: Hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend
Worst Moment of the week?: Feeling crappy after the flu shot
Miss anything?: Being in control of my own body, it doesn't feel much like my body anymore.
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings?: Hot chips and tomato sauce
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Starting antenatal classes
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Pregnancy diaries || Week 28 & 29 - First stretch marks and friends wedding

Week 28

Woohoo! Hello Third Trimester! Only 12 weeks to go! You know it's getting close when you start counting down rather than up. Random, I know, but we weighed my boobs tonight, yeah don't judge me haha. They aren't even particularly swollen at the moment but they weight 1.8kgs each! So I have 3.6 kgs of boobage to carry around with me every day! I wonder how much heavier they will get when my milk comes in.

The first of the dreaded stretch marks have started. They are faint and dark blue, I actually thought they were just veins at first. They have started on either side of my bump, near my hips. I think in generally they are determined by genetics and how big you end up getting so there's not a lot I can do about them. I will just try to stay hydrated and moisturize as much as I can, but I am kind of resigned for them to get worse. Oh well. It's only skin deep.

How far along?: 28 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes and it's practically all I can wear these days
Stretch marks?: *sigh* Yes, here we go.
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a puckered pair of lips" rather than an innie like it used to be
Sleep?: Some nights are good, others not so much. In general I am more tired though.
Best Moment of the week?: Just reaching the third trimester feels like an achievement.
Worst Moment of the week?: Getting stretch marks
Miss anything?:Fitting into my old clothes, I am rather limited in what I wear these days
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings or aversions?: Tacos! and Lemon water
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Visiting family and friends next week
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy

Week 29 

We went to Taupo for ANZAC day holiday which we extended until the weekend. We spent a lot of time just hanging out with family, and going Op shopping with Mum for good second hand baby gear. We found lots of nice clothes and cloth nappies from Facebook Buy, Swap, Sell and got some pretty awesome deals. I'm not the biggest fan of pink, but as we scored such good deals on the bits and pieces we found I don't mind that her wardrobe will consist of mostly pink for her first few months. She has the rest of her life to wear the rainbow. 

We went to our friends wedding, ate some amazing food and spent the night dancing. It was great to have a chance to talk with my "mum friends" about everything baby related. The good, the bad and the cringe worthy. We also went to Paige's (our friends baby) first birthday which was super cute. 

We came back to Auckland with a car load of pink baby gear, picked up my new prescriptions of iodine, iron and ascorbic acid (vitamin c).

My belly button is pushing out a bit further but still looks like a pair of lips are opposed to an "outie" as it hasn't "popped" yet. I still sleep quite well and can't really complain as the aches and pains aren't too bad. I mean, I did spend all evening dancing at our friends wedding (in heels) with no problems, so I count myself lucky. Every day that I feel well I count as a blessing, as everyone keeps on reminding me that now I am in the third trimester it will only get worse and that the bad symptoms may hit me at any time. So I'm living in the moment and so far enjoying it. 

How far along?: 29 weeks
Gender?: Girl
Maternity clothes?: Yes and it's practically all I can wear these days
Stretch marks?: Yes, they are gradually spreading further and getting darker
Belly button in or out?: It looks like "a pair of lips" but hasn't popped yet
Sleep?: Mostly pretty good, but I do get more tired throughout the day than I used to.
Best Moment of the week?: Spending time catching up with friends and family
Worst Moment of the week?: Seeing my stretch marks spread and knowing that I can't do anything about it.
Miss anything?: It would have been nice to enjoy a glass of champagne at the wedding
Movement?: YES! Lots of movement
Cravings or aversions?: Meat, anything meaty sounds pretty good right now
Queasy or sick?:No
Looking forward to?: Starting antenatal classes
Mood/emotional state?: Wonderful, for the most part I'm very happy